I wish you had a heart like mine
That understands the the depths of the love
I hear in your words, in your silence
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes
And realize the unparalleled beauty
Of your presence in my life
I wish you as fortunate as I am
To have found someone like you
Who can fill the emptiness in your life
With the colours of happiness and hope
Where the canvas could end but the
The artist does not lay down the brush
I wish you could live my life for a moment
When hidden behind the softness of falling raindrops
And the brightness of the rising sun
When I hear your footsteps coming like the gentle breeze
Like the frozen snows of isolated mountains
I stop in my tracks to feel the happiness,
To live the moment
That ushers such a treasure of tranquility and calmness
Into the deepest corners of my soul
That I wish my life came to a standstill
For it’s stillness defines the most consequential journey
Of my life, towards my ultimate horizon
I wish such a moment arrives in the journey of your life
Where eternity seems undesirable
I wish we could disappear into the depths of this moment together
Walking towards destinations unknown,
For distances immeasurable….